$30K savings@2x



$20K bonus@2x

Receive an exclusive $20,000 CASHBACK upon settlement! Embrace the opportunity to build your dream home in a serene setting, combining the perfect location with a significant financial advantage!

*Disclaimer: Bonus to be paid at settlement. Bonus applies only to listed sale price

Get In Touch

Looking at land for sale or just want to talk to us in regards to purchasing some land around Ballarat? Please use this form or call us on the following.

Travis McCarthy:0421668564
Email: travis@gullgroup.com.au

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VISTA is an exciting new 95 lot land estate, surrounded by nature and within walking distance to reserves including Kirks Reservoir and Gong Gong Reservoir, Vista is ideal for all families.
This new land estate offers generous sized blocks ranging from 800m2 to 1476m2, which gives any potential buyer a wide range of home designs to choose from.


Gull & Co are pleased to present our latest development areas throughout the Western district of Victoria.

$20K bonus@2x

*Disclaimer: Bonus to be paid at settlement.
Bonus applies only to listed sale price

  • All
  • Avenue Hill
  • Bacchus Marsh
  • Clunes
  • Vista Estate
  • Vue Estate Daylesford